Mass Beers in Latin America

Photo by Diego Indriago from Pexels

Platform: Instagram, Facebook, Youtube

Markets: 6 Countries in Latin America

Easy to Follow Visual Branding Guidelines for Local Beer Brands

Client Challenge:

This client owned around a dozen brands with Instagram and Facebook accounts across Central & South America.

The Goal:

The client was seeking to understand competition in the Latin American mass beer market in order to grow their share of engagement. They were also looking to identify and bring in best practices from the global beer market on social media. 

The Approach: <<<

The Deliverable:

We delivered a content strategy, alongside workshops in the US and six Latin American countries. Managers from each brand came to learn best practices when creating image and video content.  

The Outcome:

The client was incredibly satisfied with the work and reported a significant improvement in the engagement of branded content on social media throughout the region.


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