Data-driven brand strategy services.

Effective, trustworthy results. Delivered within weeks.

We offer a range of branding & social media analytics services to help increase the value of your brand and get the most out of your content marketing efforts.


Our Services

Content Audit

A comprehensive examination of your marketing efforts with a special focus on visual execution.

Brand Positioning

A data-driven and systematic approach to leveraging content that positions your brand against the competition.

Content Calendar

Content opportunities are in front of you all the time. Use data to pinpoint the best opportunities for your brand.

Trend Insights

Identify and understand impactful changes and developments on social media among brands and influencers in your category.

Each project starts with public data from branded social media accounts

Thousands of posts from influencers & branded Instagram accounts are curated and analysed to help us identify exactly what makes consumers tick...

Our Analytics Platform then extracts features from content and spot patterns in what over and under performs.

Computer vision and NLP techniques is used to break down content into design and language elements, surfacing insights around what consumers engage with most and why.*

*Project insights are applicable to product design & all marketing channels

Our team of experts then analyse trends, spot patterns and identify where the market stands and what concepts ring the most true.



 You receive data-led insights that fuel your team’s creativity

Personalised reports and workshops that gives your team a platform to discuss market trends, analyse content performance and perform at a higher level.

Our founding team developed the Visibu approach while working with…