Prestigious Skincare Brand

Photo by Norwood Themes from UnSplash

Platform: Instagram

Markets: Global (20 Countries)

Branding Guidelines to Inspire Content Creators

Client Challenge:

This client was a highly admired skincare brand with a strong heritage and global presence that produced and distributed thousands of pieces of Instagram content to millions of followers annually. 

The Goal:

The client wanted to create a data-backed branding guidelines document that heroed their brand heritage and was simple to understand and follow. 

The Approach:

We started by analysing and benchmarking all of their already existing content using big data & image analysis tools to identify patterns and derive executional do’s & don’ts.

The Deliverable:

The final branding guideline was distributed globally within the company, it was also shared with their agencies, brand partner and paid influencers.

The Outcome:

Ultimately, this document made briefing and creating thousands of pieces of consistently high-performing content a breeze.


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