Trend & Culture Analysis Services.|

// Understand cultural concepts within your category and beyond.

\\ Capitalise on trends while protecting yourself from blunders.

// Receive recommendations about how your specific organisation can capitalise on key concepts

Gain insight into social media culture right now...

Understanding new trends is critical for cultural organisation success.

Our clients typically come to us to ask the following questions:

✨ What are ingredients, ideas and opinions that are gaining positive traction among my competitors?

✨ How can I capitalise on trending topics in my digital content?

✨ How can I protect my brand from losing relevancy?


Protect your brand and stay relevant with social media analytics.

By identifying what type of content does better or worse, Visibu’s social media analytics approach provides a powerful way to identifying and understanding the topics that are going to impact your business or category. 

All of our insights are data-driven and are enriched by experienced marketing professionals.


Do better by understanding a changing cultural landscape.


Trends Report

Content Strategy


 You receive data-led insights that fuel your team’s creativity

Personalised reports and workshops that gives your team a platform to discuss market trends, analyse content performance and perform at a higher level.

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