Craft Beer Brand

Photo by Cottonbro from Pexels

Platform: Instagram, Facebook, Youtube

Markets: 6 Countries in Latin America

Easy to Follow Visual Branding Guidelines for a Craft Beer Brand

Client Challenge:

This client owned an American craft beer brand out of New York State. As craft beer brands are very competitive on social media, our client was looking to learn the fundamentals of good social media strategy fast. 

The Goal: <<<

The Approach:

We gathered and analysed all of the content from their key competitors in the previous year to identify what what happening in the beer category. We also gathered and benchmarked their current content to see what was working and what wasn’t. We also analysed their websites for strategic recommendations.

The Deliverable: <<<

The Outcome:

The client was incredibly satisfied with the work and they reported a significant improvement in the engagement of branded content on social media.


Snacks Brand


Spirits Company