Home Colourants

Photo by Churckyno Bryant from Pexels

Platform: Instagram, Digital

Markets: USA & Global

Creating Branding Guidelines for Group of Home Colour Brands

Client Challenge:

This client owned a global home colour brand and was developing a new product line competing with a breakout brand in the haircare market.

The Goal:

They wanted an expert to conduct competitive monitoring research on social media, to identify key concepts and benefits, that consumers love about current competitors. From this, they could effectively market the product on social media and beyond. 

The Approach:

Using image and textual analysis, we identified several clusters of competitive benefits that consumers engaged most with alongside best practices for visual execution of those benefits. 

The Deliverable: <<<

The Outcome:

Our research enabled the client to develop a product launch strategy that highlighted their most desirable benefits in a unique way. They were greatly satisfied with the results.


Sports Drink Brand


Hair Salon Brand