Rum Brand

Photo by Mae Mu Kbch from UnSplash

Platform: Instagram

Markets: USA & Global

Sharing Best Practices Guideline for Rum Brand

Client Challenge:

How can a company that sells rum “always-on” branded content?

This client owned a globally recognised rum brand. How should a rum brand talk to consumers on a Monday morning vs. Wednesday evening?

The Goal: <<<

The Approach:

Our client wanted to bring in an expert who can help their brand generate content that not only reflected consumption moments, but also the brand’s unique heritage and values. The content strategy was designed to focus on identifying touchpoints with consumers throughout the days, weeks and year. 

The Deliverable:

We then delivered a series of global workshops, where managers from each market came to learn best practices in visual execution alongside market-specific trends.  

The Outcome:

The client was incredibly satisfied with the work that we had completed and was able to build a robust “always-on” social media strategy built around wit and humour.


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