Pet Food Brand

Photo by Sdf Rahbar from Pexels

Platform: Instagram

Markets: Global

Using Archetypes to Build Distinct Brand Personalities

Client Challenge:

This client owned an American dog food brand. They wanted to bring in an expert who could help them create visual content that reflected the brand’s unique personality. They also wanted to see what other dog food brands were doing so that they can leverage learning and differentiate themselves.

The Goal: <<<

The Approach:

We gathered all of the content for one year from their competitors so that we could identify each brand’s “Personality,” we also categorised and benchmarked the performance of content. We then shared executional recommendations. 

The Deliverable: <<<

The Outcome:

After the project was delivered, the client had a clear view of the market, a better understanding of themselves and a clear idea about the type of content that they wanted to produce for the remaining financial year.


Salon Brand


Salon Brand