Mass Skincare Brand

Photo by Antonio Filigno from Pexels

Platform: Instagram

Markets: UK & Global

A Brand Positioning Document that Informs Social Media Strategy

Client Challenge:

This project was for a British skincare company that explored the skincare benefits of ingredients from nature.

The Goal:

The aim of this project was to understand different branding positions on nature and how brands expressed them through their visual identity so the client could strategise their own visual branding guidelines. 

The Approach: <<<

The Deliverable:

We delivered a brand positioning project which mapped relevant global skincare brands according to the visual elements used in their social media content. 

The Outcome:

The client used our work to revamp their social media guidelines and strategy. We are very proud to say they continued to work with us for years to come. (THIS HAS BEEN SAID BEFORE)


Baby Brands


Salon Brand