Luxury Car Brand

Photo by Valentin Balan from UnSplash

Platform: Instagram, Facebook, Digital

Markets: Global

Content Strategy for a Luxury Car Brand Creating a Sports Account

Client Challenge:

This project was for a luxury car company that had recently launched an Instagram and Facebook account dedicated to all of their sports ambassadors.

The Goal:

The aim was to align the content that appeals most to sports lovers with the brand’s values and identity so they could build their fanbase quickly. They also wanted to see which sports were over and under engaging and why.

The Approach:

We undertook an analysis of their sports account and other accounts to identify which sports were the most engaging, which were and the executional factors that impacted performance. We found that there were several hashtag campaigns that were very unlikely to engage their followers. 

The Deliverable: <<<

The Outcome:

The client was very satisfied with the work that we had completed and we are glad to say they are about to hit a quarter million milestone on Instagram.


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